Pack 202 Code of Conduct

Cub Scouts

  • Always be on time.
  • Wear a proper uniform with PRIDE -- clean, neat, and complete -- to all Scouting events.
  • Listen and pay attention.
  • In response to the "signs up" signal, silently return the sign.
  • Respect one another and your leader.
  • Leave cell phones and other similar electronics at home.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourselves.
  • Don't take anything from anyone else without first asking permission.
  • Show respect for your surroundings, indoors and out, leaving them in as good or better condition than when they were found -- “Leave No Trace”.
  • Always follow Akela.
  • Always DO YOUR BEST!

Parents, Guardians

  • Assist your Scout in learning the Pack 202 Code of Conduct.
  • Work with den and pack leaders as requested to ensure all Scouts in their den follow the code.
  • Act as role models, demonstrating proper behaviors, language, etc.
  • Pay attention, and in response to the "signs up" signal, silently return the sign.
  • Parents and guardians are responsible for the conduct of their Scouts and non-Scouts before and after the meeting.
  • Parents and guardians are responsible for the conduct of their non-Scout children during pack activities.
  • Parents and guardians may be asked to remove disruptive children from these events.
  • Cub Scouting is a “1 to 1” program based on parent (or guardian) and child participation. It is the policy of Pack 202 that a parent or an adult family member accompanies the Scout on all pack activities, including pack meetings. Parents and guardians will also be asked to volunteer and participate in den and pack activities.

Adult Leaders

  • Treat all Cub Scouts as individuals, respecting their unique needs and capabilities.
  • Act as a role model, demonstrating proper behaviors, language, etc.
  • Wear your uniform at all Scouting events.
  • Assume responsibility for the safety, well being, and behavior of your charges at all times.
  • Follow BSA rules regarding discipline and other matters.
  • Acquire leader-specific training.


We strive to provide our Scouts with a fun, safe and enjoyable Scouting experience. Our Adult Leaders donate many hours of their free time to achieve this goal. All Adult Leaders should be given your respect. Directions given by Adult Leaders must be obeyed for the good of all Scouts. Failure to do so may result in parental notification and possible dismissal from that Scouting function. We want all Scouts to be able to participate in activities, but we also want our Cub Scouts to learn that there are consequences for bad behavior. Members of Pack 202 are expected to respect each other. Any behavior that injures, demeans, or offends other members of the Pack is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.


Participation in any Scouting activity by a Scout, parent, guardian, or adult leader, will be conducted in a manner that
upholds the principals, standards, and ideals of the BSA organization as set forth in the Scout Oath and
Scout Law.

We recognize that in order for kids to grow into responsible adults, they need to be held accountable for their
actions. Therefore, any Scout who intentionally participates in an activity that has the potential to harm
himself or pack members, or behaves in a manner that reflects negatively upon Pack 202 or BSA, will be
disciplined. Behavior that is cause for disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Not following a leader's directions.
  • Significantly unsafe actions which may endanger himself or others.
  • Exploring physical hazards (lakes, creeks, etc.) without permission and supervision.
  • Leaving designated areas without a leader’s permission.
  • Use of cursing or foul language.
  • Excessively rowdy, unruly, loud, disrespectful, disobedient, or disruptive behavior.
  • Physical or verbal hazing or harassment of others.

Discipline at den meetings is at the discretion of the den leaders in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Failure to obey a rule will result in a warning followed by time out or removal from the activity.
  • In cases of harmful or repetitive misbehavior, the parent may be asked to remove the Scout from the activity.
  • Den leaders have the right to exclude a Scout from their den for reasons of conduct. The situation will be reviewed by the Pack Committee and, in extreme cases, and after consultation with Occoneechee Council; a Scout may be dismissed from the Pack for reasons of misconduct.

This code of conduct has been copied in part from Pack 17 in St. Laurence, IL.

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